
A Prize! A Major Award!!

If you are the 10,000th visitor to my blog, prove it.  Send me an email with your proof at adoptivemomma2@yahoo.com and I'll have a special prize for you!


Maggie said...

Hey! This has nothing to do with being your 10,000th visitor...
I was just stopping by your blog to see what it's all about. I am a foster mom and I blog about my experiences with foster care. Somewhat similar - my husband and I are also open to adoption if that comes our way. I just wanted to say hi, it's always good to connect with other people with the same heart for these kids. Thanks!

maggie the-popps.blogspot.com

Mom to 2 Angels said...

Aw man, I was 10,002! I wouldn't have known how to rove it anyway :)

Mom to 2 Angels said...

I meant "prove", not "rove". oops.