
Child Sponsorship- Day 4

Following the daily adoption calendar in celebration of National Adoption Month, tomorrow's task is to sponsor a child.  In an attempt to assist you, I wanted to provide a list of reputable charitable organizations.  The following list was assembled and graded by www.charitywatch.org/The American Institute of Philanthropy:

ChildFund International (formerly Christian Children's Fund)       A–
Children Incorporated       A
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging       A+
Pearl S. Buck International       A
Plan USA       A–
Save the Children       A
World Vision       B+

Many of us are interested in sponsoring local children and there are plenty of opportunities to do this too.  Of course, like global sponsorships it is important to investigate the reputation of the local charity.

This time of year provides many opportunities for sponsorship.  Our family choses to pick angels from the Christmas tree at Wal-Mart each year.  The angels represent local children in need of clothes, shoes, coats and toys for Christmas.

We also sponsor athletes who need assistance at our high school alma mater.  Our friend and former classmate is the wrestling coach at our former high school.  He has athletes every year who would miss out on the opportunity to compete due to the costs of equipment, travel and related expenses.  The athletic competitions provide opportunities for college recruitment allowing the athletes to further their education.   As former high school athletes we know how important sports can be in a teenagers life.

Finally, churches always have sponsorship opportunities.  Our church collects donations during the holidays and during the school year to help local students.

Adoption is an expensive venture and I understand pennies are pinched to afford the process.  Perhaps a monetary donation is not realistic.  You can always donate your time and energy at Big Brothers  & Sisters, your local community centers, or YMCA.

Be creative, we could always do more to help!

Tomorrow's calendar entry- Encourage your local schools to speak and teach about adoption.

National Adoption Month Observance Calendar- Click Here!

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