

I had hoped to have pictures posted of all of Clark's hard work this weekend getting the house Griswold'd.  You will have to hang on a little longer.

Clark blew a breaker.

Clark has so many lights plugged in...actually his version is we need more outdoor outlets to accommodate the lights. Basically, we need more power.

So, we now have extension cords running under the garage door to the outlets in the garage.  We have an electrician on hold to come and add another outdoor outlet and increase the breakers.

We have so many inflatable Christmas decorations in the front yard you cannot walk across it.  I know.  I tried.  I fell.

We lost power to our tv and internet router yesterday because of a power surge.  I wish I was joking.  I am not.

Happy holidays.  Where's the Tylenol?!

1 comment:

shelley said...

LOL!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!